Wednesday, December 08, 2004

12/8/04 Fun last night

Stand-up comedy class was really fun last night. All six of us are starting to get some confidence and we all have such a different style of delivery. That's cool. The show won't be so boring because of the differences.

Last night we were to talk about our childhood or our future. I'd asked relatives to tell me what they wanted to be when they grew up--when they were asked as children. And I was going to make my routine about how no one ever becomes what they said, etc. But I had to cut so much to get to the punch lines, that it took too long. So I ended up using material from me. About what I'd wanted to be, and how it got me out of housework and chores as a kid. Then segued into looking forward to retirement. I got more laughs last night than at the other classes.

Next week, we're taking the best of each week and crafting our routine for our performance night, which is going to be January 4, at Giggles Comedy Pub. I'm really excited about it, and hope we can get a good-sized audience.


Anonymous said...

This is so exciting! I could never get up and do stand-up...I would be shaking in my shoes. Mad propz to you and your friends for doing it! I will be thinking good thoughts for you during the January performance.

Anonymous said...

Whoops...that comment above was from me, Gretchen.

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Thanks, Gretchen. I'm a little nervous but more excited than scared. I always said improv was easier for me because I didn't have to remember so much. But I think this will actually be easier because it's going to be only 10 minutes per person or so.

Yet, at CSz we do have a team to support us, and doing the stand-up I'll be alone. Yikes. Didn't think about that. I'll keep you posted. Jer