Friday, November 23, 2007

11/23 Rob's here

He arrived at 2 PM. He absolutely loves my house, which makes me smile idiotically. I made dinner and then we've been playing games for hours. It was really fun.

The dogs adore him and he says the feeling is mutual.

What a wonderful treat to have my son here.

Tomorrow we're going exploring and tomorrow night friends are coming over for games. Both Rob and I love cards and other games so I think it will be a fun night.

I promise to take pictures tomorrow. For now, I'm beat. Love to all.


Anonymous said...

Why don't you try that question and answer game we played Saturday night at Mohonk? Or at least try it with the gang in Quincy over Christmas.

Hiya, Rob!

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

I already played it twice with this group. One time it went really well. The second time, not so well. There was a person there the second time who didn't "get it," and when it came time to ask the second question she couldn't make it relate to the first answer. It would be fun in Quincy, I think. Especially with my nephews.

Beata said...

I am so happy that you guys have so much fun. Rob told me how much he loved the house and the doggies! :-) I wish I could be there!

Anonymous said...

So happy you two are together. Rob has been lucky to see family recetnly. Wish we could all get together soon

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Yes indeed, Jane. My FONDEST wish is that I'm with my whole family at one time. Maybe when someone gets married. Suzie? Kris? Anyone? Bueller?

Kelly said...

Glad Rob arrived safely! Have fun.

Anonymous said...

I hear Joe is getting married again soon....will he do?

I'm glad you are having a good time with a mother of ONLY sons I can relate to how much that can mean to a person.

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Thanks all. We're having a great time and I'll post asap.