Here's Jan reading a marker. Notice there's no deck below her? This is a the Gulf Islands National Seashore and they haven't repaired the fishing dock yet. But our Jan was brave.

Mary Mahoney's was closed today but we managed a picture anyway. The tree is called The Patriarch and is over 2,000 years old. A sign on it says, "I was alive when Jesus walked the earth." It's a huge tree. But look at the second tree. You can hardly see Jan, she's so small in comparison. These live oaks are amazing trees.

The picture below is of the Katrina Memorial in Biloxi. It was built by the ABC show--Extreme Makeover Home Edition.

I remember seeing the Extreme Home Makeover when they did that. Love the pics of Aunt Jan. I didn't know she liked to model so much! Glad you guys are having fun. Tell them to have a safe trip home.
They left this morning. Will blog tonight about how great it was.
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