I love the Wii Fit. It's really fun and really smart. Okay, it doesn't have to be smart to know how much overweight I am, but it knew that I trip a lot, just because of the way I balance the board and how I distribute my weight on my feet.
Am going to work hard to make sure I continue to use it. Just wish I had good curtains in the living room so I could take off some of these heavy winter clothes in order to weigh. :)
Shopping yesterday was both fun and exhausting. Jane, Jane, Kris, Brian, Cindy and I went to Kohls. Cindy had already bought all her wedding and shower gifts, but the rest of us hadn't. So it took a long time to find what we needed off of the registry. BUT WE DID IT!
A special thanks to Jane and Cindy for helping to carry in all my loot. Plus I really enjoyed lunch at Nothing Spcecial. (Thanks also Cindy and Cody, for moving that piece of furniture for me.)
Yesterday I posted two articles, got 201 hits, and made $2.01. Guess I won't get rich doing this. I hope to get some comments from you on Bumper sticker 1: If you can read this, thank a teacher.
We got our intro to Wii Fit last night after an amazing Christmas gift of a home cooked meal from our godchildren, Kelly and Drew! Joe had Wii Fit already, but with Cody taking his Wii back today...YEP, Joe was waiting in line for the doors to open at Best Buy to get himself one. He won't care that we have no curtains so don't look out your window Jer or you may get a peep show.
Glad to hear you got your Wii Fit. I know you wanted it. Did you find it locally or did you have to order it? Maybe wearing all those extra clothes right now is not a bad thing.. sweat it out :-). Good luck with it.
Funny, Cindy.
Jill, I ended up ordering it and right after I did so Joe asked me if I wanted to buy his extra one. :)
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