Last night Caroline called and said she and Genia were on their way to the Ruby Tuesday's near my house and why didn't I join them. Why not indeed. I threw away my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and said good-bye to the pups. Because I'd taken a few bites of my sandwich I wasn't extremely hungry, so I got the salad bar and a margarita. Yum on both.
Got home and vegged, knowing that the weekend would involve lots of cleaning. This morning I took the dogs to the kennel because I'd planned on shampooing the carpet. However--the only grocery store near me (where one usually rents carpet shampooers) is Walmart and they don't rent them. Yikes. So I'm doing the few "baddest" parts with my spot cleaner, and my carpet looks like it has some disease that causes spots.
I hated to spend money on it anyway, because all the carpet is going to get torn up very soon when the new stuff is installed. Ah least it's only mud and not yucky stuff.
Genia and Caroline are coming over tonight to play cards. I wanted them here instead of going to their houses because that way I can work longer. Yeah, I know I'm not working now...quit being such a smartaleck.
Okay, back to the lovely carpet. (Do you recognize sarcasm when you hear it?)
One day until my family arrives. Nine days until the movers arrive. Things are happening.
less than 24 hours now...I hope Eric and I are not "too excited to sleep"
See you soon.
Hope it wasn't too frantic a morning. Joe said you left about 6, so I'll be able to see you tonight before bedtime. Yay.
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