Right now it's freezing rain and Rob had an errand he had to do. We tried to buy some sandbags last night for the back of his truck. Well, even Lowe's hadn't heard of that. They said they had bags and they could sell us sand and we could put the sand in the bags. Rob tried to explain the concept of selling full sandbags so people with trucks and rear wheel drive vehicles could drive on the bad roads. No luck. (We're not in the north anymore, Toto.) So he decided to put his lawn tractor in the back of his truck. Pretty darn smart, these Samoans.
All schools were either closed or had delayed starts today. Even Ft. Bragg is closed. Amazing. We probably had 1/4 inch of snow. But I do agree the roads may become really bad if the freezing rain stays frozen on the ground.
Beata took her dogs outside, but they didn't think it was as fun as she did.
Yay for Beata getting her snow!! I don't like freezing rain though--yuck! Rob IS one smart cookie!
Yeah, Kelly, but the tractor does look pretty funny on the truck in this bad weather. :)
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