Sunday, July 09, 2006

7/9 Getting ready

I'm getting ready to take off for Chicago (Aurora). If I leave here by 11, I'll get there by 1:30. I'll probably stay just a few hours because I have so much to do at home. So if all goes well, I'll be home by 6. Perhaps I'll take my Spanish CDs and learn some more.

Last night was wonderful! As usual I laughed so hard at the other comics. I was third out of seven. And that's as it should have been since I'm so new compared to others. I knew everyone there except Tony B. Miller. I'd heard his name since he's a very well-known comic around the area. Here's the funny thing. In my act I mentioned that I was from Quincy IL, and when he got up there he said he had just played in Quincy the night before--at Backwater's, right on Front Street on the Mississippi River. How cool! So we talked afterward. He is such a nice guy. And I'm confident we'll work together again.

Patrick, the guy who teaches long form improv on Wednesday, did stand-up too, and it was the first time I saw him perform. Excellent. And funny stuff. He gave me some good feedback after the show, telling me that one of my lines was really funny and I should expand on it. (It was about my daughter Jill being a size 2, and how I hated her for it.)

My set went over really well. I was confident and relaxed, and people seemed to enjoy what I did.

Everyone else did a great job too. But the funniest part for me was when Tom Clark (the headliner and birthday boy) had Tyler and Patrick come on stage and do improv with him. They basically did Tom's life from start to present time and it was hysterical.

Two of my friends from BroadMinded came to the show--Maria and Megan. So that was cool, too. Maria had taken stand-up classes too, and we've performed together in the past. I think she'll do the stand-up open mic night at CSz on the 21st.

Gotta run. More later when I return from Aurora.


Beata said...

Hi Mom, I am so happy that you had such a wonderful night with your friends and got compliments about your performance. Have a safe trip! Love you. :-)

Anonymous said...

if you read Kelly's blog...I think she was at that show at Backwaters that Tony Miller was doing...what a coincidence! I remember Jill being a size 0...2 kids later and a size 2..hmmm...if she just has 12 more kids she can catch up with me. A dozen more adorable kids like Kayla and Hunter seems like a good plan to me.

Jeff said...

Have a safe and fun trip, Jer. :)

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Thanks, Beata, Cindy and Jeff. I'm back from Aurora. Will write more about it in my blog later.

CIndy, I can't believe the coincidences. I'll have to tell Tony that my niece was there. Funny.

Yeah, Jill wears a size 2, and if she's especially "fat" she'll put on a 4.

Anonymous said...

Jer, we WERE at that show!! What a small world. Tony was really funny and so was his opening act, Steve something or other I think. He was from CA.

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Omigod, that is so funny! Can't wait to tell Tony.