Friday, October 06, 2006

10/06 What I'll miss

What I'll miss about Wisconsin (Part 1):

The beautiful geese that are everywhere. Two days ago there were 20 in my driveway. Yesterday there were 30 and today there were 40. Exactly. Don't know how they travel in multiples of tens, but that's the way it appears.

What I won't miss about Wisconsin (Part 1):

Goose shit.


Beata said...

Were they dead or alive? in your driveway.

Anonymous said...

Kellie here-rob and beatas friend from okinawa...ahhh i have so many memories of wisconsin, it holds a special place in my heart...we vacationed every year in hayward wisconsin when i was growomg up, we are from indiana...all my summer memories are there...kellie

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Alive. They're all over the place. Lately it's been eating near and on our driveway.

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Kellie, yes, I'll miss Wisconsin. It's beautiful. I've been here for 10 years--five years times two.

anne frasier said...

jer, i haven't kept up here like i should, but a week or so ago i did figure out you were moving. as someone who needs to kick herself in the butt, i applaud you and look forward to reading about the new adventures of jer.

Anonymous said...

Whenever you miss the geese, you can hang out at Todd's parents house. They have geese galore on their lake and there's always plenty of goose poop to go with it. Just like home!

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Thanks, Anne. I know you've been talking about moving for a while. Made a decision yet?

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Thanks, Kelly. If I could have the geese, without the poop, that would be ideal. :)

anne frasier said...

no decision other than realizing i will have to say no to a new contract in order to have time to figure things out. and of course some relatives think no contract and no job is a bad idea! :D

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Sounds familiar. :)