Sunday, July 02, 2006

7/2 BroadMinded pics

Go to BroadMinded's MySpace page and check out some new pictures. Under the logo, click on pics. (By the way, my nephew Adam designed our logo.) Jer


Anonymous said...

I couldn't look at the pic's b/c it said I had to sign in...maybe I will have one of the boys sign me in when I have them here....MY SON Adam is a genius...I love the logo.(an empowered female shining from within?-what can discribe his Aunt Jer, and those like her better?) And if it nothing that deep, I still say he is genius...and very handsome and single.

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Too bad, Cindy. I'll post them here when I get a chance. What I love about the logo (besides the colors) is that I think it looks like a stylized version of a women's bathroom sign. And I agree, the rays are cool. They're coming from her head....