Saturday, October 21, 2006

10/21 Damn damn double damn

Just had an exhausting go-around with AT&T. I had my home phone disconnected as of 10/13 which automatically disconnected my DSL. Purchased dial-up so I could keep my email address active for the 2 months or so before I have a place of my own to have DSL again. I specifically asked if this would affect my AT&T WiFi. No, I was distinctly told. That's a separate service.

All I can say is, "Liar, liar, pants on fire."

Talked to 8 different people today because I went to a McDonald's where I was supposed to have free WiFi according to my plan, and it didn't work. "Authentication Failed," the screen rudely proclaimed.

1. Sorry, but you have no home phone. You must have a phone line to have WiFi. WHAT?

2. Sorry, you don't have DSL any longer, you can't have WiFi unless you have DSL. WHAT?

3. What do you want me to do? I can't do anything about it. WHAT?

4. Ma'am, I'm sorry for our error, but there's nothing I can do about it. Thanks for using AT&T. WHAT?

Finally, person number 7 in India was such a sweetie--Doni. She connected me with someone at dial-up who told me that normally I'd have to go to WiFi, but evidently I'd already been there and everywhere else. Wish I had her name, she was a sweetie too. She said a second level supervisor would make an exception for me, but unfortunately that office was only opened Monday through Friday. I'd gotten so angry with number 3 above and had started crying instead of calling her filthy names. Everyone else was nice, but I was so frustrated.

I'll call that office on Monday to get my Wi-Fi reinstated. In the meantime I drove 15 minutes to a new Panera Bread. It has free Wi-Fi for everyone. Everyone--go to Panera Bread and spend money. They're great PLUS the food is wonderful.

End of commercial.

So the class ended yesterday and I really enjoyed it, plus met some super Red Cross folks, and as I said earlier I ran into people I already knew.

On the way home I stopped at a Cracker Barrel (didn't know there was one only 7 miles from my house). Jane, tell Pete there's a Cabela's just 10 miles away. It's new and HUGE. Cracker Barrel was having a porch sale where everything was 80% off. It's going on today and tomorrow too. I bought tons of Christmas present. 10 presents for $30. And every one of them are things I would like, so I'm fairly confident that people will like them.

Enough for now. I need to check some more sites and catch up with my email. More tomorrow. I'll stop back here again when the Open House is going on.


Jill and Todd said...

Well, hopefully you will get tbis all sorted out soon. Chat later.

Anonymous said...

i HATE dealing with "service" companies. We had trouble with IL Bell one time too, and it is such a hassle, but it was the credit card company that pulled that same thing you went through with me when my mom died...I finally just hung up on them (in tears) and figured, screw 'em, they can't collect from a dead woman.

on a UP note, did you know we are getting a Panera Bread here in quincy...and soon...can't wait.LOVE LOVE LOVE that Strawberry Chicken Poppyseed Salad. I am having it every day for a week when they open.

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Yeah, Jill, that's what I'm hoping too. I'm writing from Bucketworks--free wireless for members--and will go to CSz soon for a match.

Cindy, I hate the powerless feeling you get when dealing with those large companies. And I'm so happy Q is getting a Panera's. Another reason to move home. :)