Thursday, June 19, 2008

6/19 LA Times and a cat

Quincy is on the front page of the LA Times. Check it out:

And I went to my boss's house and picked out one of his 15 kittens. It's a little gray male. A cutie, but very shy. He's in the laundry room and I expect him to stay there for a while. He's got food, water, and a litter box so he should be okay. Gus likes him but the feeling isn't mutual.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear you got a kitty...What is his name? Kittens make great companions for puppies, and they play so cute without being over stimulating. Gizmo spent the first 2 weeks hiding out when Kirby came to live with us. I am sure that is normal behavior and that your new best friends will be each others best friends soon enough. Can't wait to meet him...and get some more Gus time too.

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

I don't know what his name is yet. Haven't spent enough time with him to know him. He's been behind the washer and dryer all night. I left his food, water, and litter box so he ought to come out soon since the dog's in the crate.