They were on the bed together for a few hours, smelling, touching, playing. The kitten is a little suspicious still, but Gus was amazing. He didn't pounce once or play rough at all.
Oh, and the kitten is a she, not a he.
So I now have Grandpa Gussie (for Gustison) and Grandma Bozie (for Bozarth). It's funny too that Grandma Bozie was the eldest daughter of Grandpa Gussie. Got that straight?
Checking each other out...

SHE'S ADORABLE...Eric is going to fall in love!!! I just know you will have hours and hours of side splitting laughter watching these two play and grow.
And YES, I do believe in miracles...big and small.
After lunch I left Gus out of his kennel with Bozie. Closed off the other rooms so they have the kitchen and utility room. No rugs. :) We'll see what happens.
Grayson was the same way at first. It just takes cats longer to get acclimated than dogs. Once they feel comfortable, they come out. Grayson rules the house now!
They are so cute together. I think they will make great pals.
too cute. Looks like they are on their way to becoming good buddies.
I've had my cat, Devon, for about 10 years. When I moved her to the new place this weekend guess where she went. Right behind the dryer. She came out the next day -- or pretended to emerge then. Little did she know I'd sensed her crawling about during the night. The stinker. You've got two cuties!
Thanks for the comments. I'll post more pictures today. She is a cutie.
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