Monday, June 23, 2008

6/23 Dogsitter

Today's my 12 hour day so Jane and family kindly took Gus for the day. Jane said when she handed the puppy to Sarah, Sarah said, "This is my dog."

Made me smile. I'm so glad everyone likes him. He's made my week, that's for sure.

This picture is of Gus with the dogs at Jan and Tim's. Shows how tiny he really is.


Kelly said...

I'll see what our schedule is like in the evenings this week and the 5 of us will try to bike over and visit.

He is such a cutie. Darn shame Todd is allergic to dogs....I could almost be convinced to get one of those.

Dave said...

Gus is obscenely cute.

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Kelly, if your schedule is too busy, I'm going to bring Gus to the Gustison family reunion this weekend. Heck, he's Grandpa Gussie after all.

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

I agree DF. I'm totally over the moon about the little cuss.