Had a good day at work, talked to both Simon and Chris (from UK and Ireland respectively). After work, came home and sat for about 20 minutes and boy did that feel like a luxury. Then went to CSz to meet up with Bron, Pij and Jules (the UK representatives to the tournament, and my pals from the UK Adventure).
The show tonight was just for the construction crew, and some other invited guests. The real opening will be tomorrow night. The show was awesome and Pij and Jules (Steven) loved it. Even though they'd been performing for a few years, they hadn't seen a show by another team. So it was a cool experience for them.
The video didn't work. Neither did the fog machine. Other than that, everything was ace.
Tomorrow I work noon until 8 so the day won't be too bad. Gotta run. My housekeeper is coming tomorrow and I have to put away my crap so she can actually clean. Right now, there's not a lot of floor to vacuum because it's covered with stuff I unpacked from UK but haven't put away yet. Ah, the fine art of procrastination.
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