Happy birthday to my longest-lasting sister-in-law, Paulette. Thanks for putting up with John all these years. We all appreciate you so much.
Now to the more...
My company said no to the proposal I submitted. I wanted to make my job part-time and also to work remotely. That way I could accept the Red Cross offer of doing disaster mental health work. They pay minimally and also don't offer benefits, so it's important I have another job that offers benefits in order to do the disaster work I want to do.
I found out on Friday that the answer was no. By the way, I'm not angry at them at all. It's purely a business decision, and I didn't take it personally.
But it really put a damper on my Avon Breast Cancer Walk weekend in Long Beach.
Then--something really neat happened. I stayed with a friend on Sunday night prior to coming back to Milwaukee on Monday. She came up with a brilliant idea. I could live in their spare room (with private bath), and she had a brainstorm on a part-time job that had benefits, and also would allow me to leave whenever the Red Cross called me to disaster work. I could probably get another part-time job at CSz LA--at least it's worth a try.
No, it's not in Quincy--where I wanted to go, near my extended family. But it's in LA, and I'd only be an hour from Jill and her family. Just think, I'd be by my grandkids while they still think I'm wonderful. Even if I only stay a year before going to Quincy, it would be awesome. With my new life situation (i.e., making a small amount of money), I wouldn't be able to go out there to visit so much. This would solve that problem quite nicely.
I have to decide by Friday, because I have to give 30 days notice here.
My heart is definitely in disaster work--and with my grandkids. This seems like a great answer for a while. What do you think?
Thanks, Russ. :)
It sounds like a great opportunity, Jer. I say, go for it! :)
FIRST off....I NEVER quit thinking both of my grandma's were the most WONDERFUL people on the face of the earth, so that shouldn't be a problem for you. (just think Jill, a 'grandma-sitter so close by) And you wouldn't have to give up your comedy, so that is another plus. But ultimately YOU are going to have to live with any decision you make, so think about all the positives, and the negatives, and then you will know just what to do.
If you move out there, I will not be able to get Jill and kids to come home as much, Sis, I think you really need to think through this not with your heart but your brain, I think moving to Quincy makes more sense than CA since you want to retire here, Having only until Friday to make the decision makes it too rushed, Giving up your condo and moving so far away may not be the answer since California is so expensive, It is your decision and I will respect it but living even with your closest friend may be hard, what did uncle tom say
"a houseguest and fish are alike after 3 days both stink", look at what you want to do, is another career what you want or do you just want to be near family
Thanks, Jeff, Cindy, and Jane. I'm so torn about this. What I will pay for a room and bath at my friend's house would probably pay for a small apartment in Quincy. It's the job though. I AM taking the Red Cross job. I just need a flexible job with benefits to go along with that. I don't know if Quincy could offer that. And I still have to make my decision by Friday because I have to give a month's notice, and I start with Red Cross on 10/23. Aarrrgghh. I hate thinking this hard.
Mom, I am sorry you have to rush with the decision. It must be a really hard time for you right now. I prefer to talk to you about it on the phone than writing it here, in your comments. But I have to say that Aunt Jane has a point. Still, congratulations on getting the job with the Red Cross.
Yeah, Bea. The only rush is because I was a sap to think my proposal would get a positive response. So that cuts down on the amount of time I have to decide where to live. Things are looking much better though, after your phone call, and I don't feel stressed at all.
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