Tuesday, May 08, 2007

5/8 Emergency Operations Center

Wow. This place rivals the American Red Cross DOC in Washington, DC. Walls are lined with HUGE screens full of weather reports and breaking news. We are running a hurricane drill--Hurricane Zora--hitting the Mississippi Gulf Coast. And it's so very realistic. Since we're below ground we can't tell what the weather is really like outside.

The room is full of MEMA personnel (Mississippi Emergency Management Agency) and people from FEMA, Red Cross, Salvation Army, police, firefighters, private agencies (like mine), and many government agencies like Department of Mental Health and Department of Education.

It's quite an interesting experience. I'm learning so much, and am looking forward to tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I know you're eating this stuff up, mom. I know it's very serious business, but have fun. Lots of people would give anything to have a job they enjoy as much as you do yours.

Love Rob

Beata said...

Hello Mom, your life is definitely everything but boring. I am starting to wonder if you are not a spy??????? ;-) I am happy for you that you have such exciting job! I am also sorry to hear about Quincy's condition. Let's hope for the best. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will grow out of this illness. She is such a cutie!

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Rob and Beata, how wonderful to hear from you both. I was just now telling some FEMA people about you two. About Mother's Day, etc. :) Love you both TONS.