Can't believe we just finished our fifth year doing the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Chicago. This walk raised more than $8.2 million. Hard to believe. It was the largest Avon Walk ever. Individuals had the option of walking a full or half marathon on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday. My sisters completed a half marathon each day. I'm so proud of them--for so many reasons. Jane's knee is so badly injured, but she did it. And Jan always completes a full marathon on day one, but she stayed with Jane the entire way. See why I'm proud of both of them?
Thanks a MILLION to my sixteen awesome donors who helped me raise $1200 for the event. As a crew member I was not required to raise money, but was encouraged to do so. I'm so grateful to you wonderful, generous people.
More than 3,600 people participated. And like one young man said--"This is a bachelor's paradise. Six hundred men and three thousand women. Those are great odds." I imagine I could get some of my male friends to volunteer if I told them about the odds. :)
Jan's and Jane's husbands drove up to Chicago for the closing ceremonies, so the gals didn't have to stay awake on the way home. Very sweet. Jane's daughter, Sarah, came along and gave each of us a beautiful pink lei. She is so thoughtful.
My weekend was quite busy. As team leader for Operations, and a member of the Incident Response team, I had lots to do. My team was unbelievable though. Not one complaint, only one set of rolled eyes, and every member had a "yes" attitude from beginning to end. My team consisted of Incident Response, Medical Taxi, Rest Stop Closure Assistants, and Caboose Assistant. So Sylvia, Kathleen, John, Tom, Tamara, Michele, and Lee, a big giant THANK YOU! You made a significant difference in the fight against breast cancer. And you certainly made a significant difference in how well my weekend went.
Every one of you said "yes" to working next year. Whether you're on the Operations Team or another one, or whether you decide to walk instead, I have no doubt that once again you will WOW those you serve.
Oh, I forgot--I'm going to work on the Los Angeles incident response team in September. What can I say, they need help. Karen, who works in the Los Angeles office, asked and I said yes. I'll combine it with a trip to see Jill and her family. (And don't worry, dear donors, I won't bug you for money. I'll ask the friends who forgot to contribute last time.)
I'm laughing because I was just talking to a friend about that very thing. There's BroadMinded rehearsal tonight, but I'm definitely not staying late. Haven't even unpacked my car yet. Last night I was so tired, the thought of bringing in my luggage was overwhelming. :)
8.2 million dollars! Wow! Congratulations on the walk! It's for a great cause.
Thanks, Jeff. Appreciate it.
Wow, what a neat surprise. Hi, Linda. You guys do a fantastic job, and it's a difficult one too. Yep, see you next year. :)
Jer, I am very proud of you, and of course Jane and Jan too. Wow, what an accomplishment. I know the 'event' inspires you, but I still feel like it is the $5800. you girls raised that will make the difference in a cancer patients life, and that makes me so proud of all of you that I could shout it from the rooftops! Your new shirts say it all...CANCER SUCKS. I am so glad to here you are going to LA to help them out too...and you should bug everyone for donations as it is a worthy cause.
I'm so proud of you, mom. You and Aunt Jane and Aunt Jan are really amazing and inspiring. So is everybody else who participated, helped, donated, and cheered. You can hit Bea and me up for September!
I agree with David; you need to sleep.
Love you so much, mom. Great job!
anne, Cindy, and Rob, thanks so much for your words of encouragement. My body is still a little stiff but much better. I'm grateful for my health, and plan to do things like this as long as I am physically (and mentally) able.
Love you all.
your set to go then, b/c we all know the Bozarth's are 'mental' ;o)
You are so right, Cindy. And what does that say about you? The sibs HAVE to be Bozarth's but you joined us voluntarily. lol
Hats off to you, Jane and Jan. We are so proud of you all and are honored to be part of your tradition. You guys always have a place to stay to relax, and gear up for the race. I was thrilled that the weather turned out to be so beautiful. We thought about you guys all weekend. Wish we could have made it down on Sunday but we had hopes of mom getting out of the hospital. Unfortunately she seems to have gotten a little worse and is still in. Keep her in your prayers. And I will have a talk with those birds about next year and see if I can keep them quiet so you can get some sleep!
Love to you all,
Karen, you guys always take such good care of us the day before we go into Chicago. You are absolutely awesome and we love you.
Hope Katie is getting stronger and will be home soon.
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