Thursday, January 18, 2007

1/18 Fun with kiddies

Yesterday we had a great time at Chuck E. Cheese and Build A Bear. I'm enamored of Build A Bear Workshop. You first pick out which animal you want. Kayla chose a white bear with a pink nose and some pink fur scattered throughout her body. She named her Pinky. Hunter chose a husky dog and named him Husky. He said he's a husky that doesn't like snow or cold and that he wants to stay warm. Today he changed the name to Max after a dog in the movie Snow Dogs. Both he and Kayla are crazy about their new pets and have been taking good care of them.

While Kayla was at school, Hunter played with Max nearly all day. He has such a great imagination. I got to be the vet when Max was sick. Hunter said he had a really big thorn in his side and I needed to be very careful when I took it out. "When Max gets hurt sometimes he bites people." I am crazy about kids' imagination.

When Kayla got home from school she spent about 90 minutes on homework, and then I took the kids to the movies. We saw Charlotte's Web. It was absolutely delightful. We ate popcorn and candy and drank soda while watching a great movie. My idea of a good time.

Near the theatre is a big Border's book store, so we stopped and bought the book of Charlotte's Web. Before bedtime we were able to get through the first three chapters. The kids are excited that we'll read some every day. I promised that if I didn't get to finish the book with them, that Jill would finish for them.

Jill and Todd went out to dinner while we were gone. A good night for everyone.

Tomorrow should be quiet, but Saturday Todd is doing motorcross with some friends. Jill and I plan to take the kids to a children's museum in Pasadena. Can't wait.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're having a blast and the kids are getting spoiled!! :)

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

You are right, Kelly. But I'm being spoiled too. :)

Anonymous said...

oops...should have ready this blog entry(I didn't think I'd missed a day) before commenting on todays. It sounds like you are having the best of times with the kids. I think my favorite part is that you are reading them a "big" chapter book. Have a grand time and give them both hugs for me. (JILL too)

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Cindy, no problem. I did this entry so late last night that it was after midnight (I cheated and changed the time).

Yes, the first thing Kayla said to me when we picked her up from school was, "I can't wait for you to read Charlotte's Web." Sure made me smile.