Sunday, January 07, 2007

1/7 A traveling day

I'm not the type to not work. Although I'm enjoying some of this "forced vacation," I'm also getting bored and lazy. I want to work. Not enough to pray for disasters, but you get the gist.

Still haven't heard from the Red Cross about when they are planning to bring me in to the DOC to work for a while. That would be helpful, and give me something to look forward to. But as it is, I'm staying home and playing with dogs all day. On the surface that's wonderful--and fun. But their conversation leaves a lot to be desired. And they don't pay me to play with them. :)

We'll see how the interview goes tomorrow in Austin. It will have to be a great job to lure me away from the Red Cross. Even though I'm not working much, this is what I want to do.

I told Rob that there's an opening (full-time, with benefits) at the Raleigh Red Cross. If I applied, there would be a decent chance I could get it. I know the pay would be low, because the pay scale tends to be low in the organization, but it would be doing what I love. Just not nationally, only in NC. The position is still part of National however, rather than the Raleigh chapter. I'll check it out after returning from Austin.


Anonymous said...

I just HAVE to point out a few things here that made me laugh...

"force vacation" seems to imply you were fired from your old job, not quit. (forced doesn't seem to be a word to use when it was a choice)

Then there is this line---"Even though I'm not working much, this is what I want to do." well, really who doesn't think that is what they might WANT to do? (not working much, that is?)

Good luck with the interview tomorrow though. When I emailed you about the RC openings here you emailed me that you can NOT work for a local RC chapter if you are employed by the does this mean you won't be doing Federal Distaster work?

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

I used "forced" because, although I'm employed by the Red Cross, I'm not working because there aren't any disasters. Does that make sense? Your note kind of sounds as if I'm unemployed. :)

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Oh, and also you seemed to misinterpret another line too. "Even though I'm not working much, this is what I want to do." "This" means disaster work with the Red Cross.

And you're right, I can't work for a chapter when I work for National. But this job in Austin is not with the Red Cross. So if I decided to take it, I'd have to resign from the Red Cross and go back to being a volunteer with them.

However the Red Cross job in Raleigh IS with National, so that wouldn't be a problem. The only problem with that one, is that I don't think I'm quite qualified for it. We'll have to see....

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Sorry if my posting was so cryptic. I wrote too quickly I think.... Sorry 'bout that.