Thursday, January 04, 2007

1/4 Home again

It felt good arriving here yesterday and being greeted by Beata and the zoo. Rob came home shortly afterward. Everything felt comfortable.

After dinner we played some poker. It was fun to get back into our daily poker routine. :) Bea leaves today for four days so I doubt Rob and I will play head to head poker every night. We'll miss her (and not just because of the poker).

Right now Beata is getting ready and I'm catching up on my laundry. We'll leave at 1 to take her to the airport.

Yesterday the ride through the Smokies (and adjacent to the Great Smokey Mountains National Park) was stupendous. Thanks to b-i-l Tim for the suggestion. The only problem is that it's about 100 miles longer--almost exactly. 855 miles through the Blue Ridge Mountains and 950 miles through the Smokies. Both rides were lovely and I think I'll keep rotating to make the drives more interesting.


Anonymous said...

"On top of Mount Smoky all covered with fog". I remember it well when I left Durham for the last time to come back to Wisconsin. I never made it to the ocean, so check out Cape Hatteras for me!


Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

That's sure one of my goals--to get there. Will let you know. Hope you're doing well, Steve.

Jeff said...

I love to visit the Smokey mountains. Such beautiful scenery.

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

It certainly is gorgeous. Reminds me though that there are countless gorgeous vistas in the US. We're indeed fortunate.