I love the snow. We finally got a bunch of it. Snow is the only way I can enjoy being cold... what's the use of freezing, unless you get to play?
Today is the strangest day. I forgot my watch, I forgot my earrings. These things never happen. I made an error at work, causing me to do a whole lot of clean up, spending time that I can ill afford. Then on the way to work this morning there was a bus fire on the freeway, so I sat in my car alongside many other cars, in our makeshift parking lot. My usual 20 minute commute took about 40 minutes. The good thing for me is that I'm listening to an audio book--The Time Traveler's Wife--and this gave me extra time to listen. I'm enjoying the book.
Last night was wonderfully boring at home. I finished up some tasks, watched tv, and just relaxed. I'm feeling over-tired for some reason. This weekend should be fairly quiet, which is what I need. I only work Saturday matinee at CSz. There's a party Sunday, but I don't think I can drag myself to it. I still have lots of work to do at home, left over from Christmas.
Two weeks ago my doctor called me and left a message, "I need to talk to you about the results of your blood test. It's nothing urgent. Please call." I was out of town and by the time I was able to call, she was on vacation and didn't return until the 5th. I waited until the 6th and called; the nurse wouldn't tell me anything and said the doctor would get back to me. I believe it's nothing urgent, BUT... call me already!
(Okay, she called. And it's good news. I mean, I'm glad, but why couldn't she have said that on my voice mail?)
Sheesh! I would have climbed the walls (and beat down the doctor's door) about that blood test bit! Glad the news was good. And FWIW, I read TTTW three or four weeks ago. A weird, but interesting book. It's definitely not sci-fi, maybe more of a love story, but definitely not romance. Don't know how to classify it. Whatever, it's a good read.
It's definitely a love story and a fantasy. So far I really am enjoying it. Reminds me of the movie with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour--something about Time. I can't remember the title at the moment.
Somewhere in Time, filmed on Michigan's fabulous Mackinac Island. One of Alan's and my favorite places to visit.
Rock on!
-- Gretchen
I thought of the title as I was falling asleep last night. :) Such a romantic movie and a beautiful location. Jer
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