Monday, May 09, 2005

5/9 Back to work, but smiling

Yesterday was a good day.

This is really hard for me to believe. But yesterday was the 50th anniversary of my First Communion. Wow. May 8th, 1955. I was seven years old, all decked out in white, wearing what I considered the most beautiful dress in the world. In those days all the girls wore white veils too. Like little brides, I guess. Or vestal virgins. Or whatever. Doesn't matter the reason. We were delighted to be all dolled up for the biggest day of our lives up to that point. We studied Latin responses, we practiced sticking out our tongue to receive the Host. (No touching the wafer in those days. No siree. No chewing it either. That was the hardest part.)

The boys wore long cassocks of white with a red and gold sash and matching stole or something or other that fastened around their shoulders. We girls knew that we looked the best.

I remember that day so clearly. And the big party afterwards in the back yard, with all the relatives coming. I got so many presents--but the one I remember the most was a statue of Mary from my godfather, Uncle Bob.

When I spoke to 5 year-old grand-daughter, Kayla, yesterday, I told her I finally finished unpacking from my trip. She asked if I found my surprise. I said, "Oh, you're the one who put the sucker in my suitcase. I couldn't imagine how that got in there." She laughed and said that I was always giving her presents so she wanted to give me a surprise too. Then she made me promise to let her know how I liked it and what it tasted like. What a sweetie. I wrote her an email letting her know all the details. I'm a lucky bug.

CSz Rec League was so much fun last night. I'm so glad I'm involved. But the scoring was a little different this time, so the only two teams whose averages didn't go down were the two teams that had a bye week. Funny. No big deal, but I just think it's funny.

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