Sunday, June 19, 2005

6/19 Last match

Tonight was my team's last match in the CSz Rec League. I thought the match was good. It certainly was fun.

I got a lot of good laughs. But didn't hear anything positive when we got notes afterward. Only what I did wrong.

Kind of made me sad, until I talked to other players who felt the same way.

Overall, it was a lot of fun--the whole experience. I'd like to play again, but two of my team may not return. So perhaps I should just become a free agent. Don't know.

Matt doesn't know what he wants to do and Jules says she has to check her finances. Sounds like neither really want to commit. It's hard to be on a team that's second to last. Probably every single player thinks he or she is better than that. I know I do. :)

We'll see...

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