Wednesday, May 17, 2006

5/17 Last night

Had a lot of fun last night. Megan, Melissa, and I rehearsed a bit for our first performance. Then at 8 we had Open Improv and Mary Jo and Maria joined us. (I'm in the only non-M BroadMinded member there last night. Special, huh?)

There were six or seven other people there so we had a nice improv workout. Didn't go out for a beer afterward because Mary Jo was sick, Melissa had to get up early to teach, and Megan was getting sick too, I think. Didn't talk to Maria about it. But I was fine with getting home by 10:30. After all, I had to watch American Idol that I'd taped. :)

Tonight some of us will attend Eric Price's workshop at CSz. He is probably the best improviser there. Such a talented guy. But also nice as hell. He's been in several commercials, Reno 911, and the movie Godfather of Green Bay. More too, but those are what I remember. He's a really good teacher too, so I'm looking forward to the class.

While I was doing improv last night Russ was singing karaoke. Wish I could have seen/heard that!


anne frasier said...

i'd love to see your improv sometime, jer!

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Thanks, anne. I wish you could too. It always helps to have friends in the audience. :)