I'm now on the Red Cross, DSMH (Disaster Services-Mental Health) team, and will be on call for two weeks in March for the first time. In the meantime I have a two day training to attend in February, and a meeting to go to. This will certainly fill up the "I'm-missing-my-family" time.
Just got an email from an editor asking for an article to be done by the end of January. It will be a quick turnaround, but I'll get it done. Also got a call from a DA's office across the country asking for some assistance. PLUS I got my hair cut today. Busy day. (Yes, I know the haircut isn't in the same class as everything else. It's more important.) :)
My dear d-i-l started a blog, and I'm thrilled. Hope she keeps up with it, because I'll get more info and pics. Sometimes I forget what she and Rob look like. Sigh. But here's the latest picture, and they look adorable as usual. This was taken New Years Eve on Torii Beach in Okinawa.
I am so happy that you are finding another outlet for you to volunteer. I know you will help so many people when given the chance. You are such a caring and loving person and we are so greatful to have you in our lives.
You sure know how to make your mom cry. (With joy.) Love you.
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