Yesterday went by much too quickly to post. It's been a while since I missed a day.
I worked from 8-12 and still had to bring some editing projects (a journal and a newsletter) with me. I left the press releases in Milwaukee though and will do them first thing Monday.
The drive took exactly 6 hours, and I listed to a book on CD the whole way. This is the first one I'm not impressed with. My fault because I bought it. Or maybe it's their fault because they didn't tell me the writer was an amateur. I know my first one is better than this. Anyway...
Got to Jane and Pete's house at 6. Jane was at a meeting. Sarah is at camp. So I talked to Pete and Jordan for a while, checked my email, and then just sat for a little bit. Exhausted.
Turned out no one but Amanda and I could make it last night to Instant Replay. But we had our share of $1 long necks--her Bud Light and me Miller MGD. Funny--Quincy is only two hours from St. Louis so most loyalty goes that direction. We did have a great time catching up, so it's probably good we were by ourselves.
I'm having lunch with my sisters--Jane and Jan--at 12:30. They both are only working a half day today. Jane is a nurse practioner and Jan is a nurse at the same clinic. They always have lunch together anyway. That's another thing that makes me jealous and homesick.
Need to buy some new sandals for tomorrow night so I'll do that today.
Tonight is the informal get-together at the Quincy Boat Club. It will be great. The time when we just stand around, drink or no drink, and talk, reminisce and laugh. Sometimes we have such a good time we'll go to someone's house afterward and continue the party. Probably not anymore. We're old now. :)
Then tomorrow night is a party at the Elks. It's a nice place, new. We'll have dinner, dancing and a program. I'm almost scared they'll ask me to do my comedy routine, and if so I'm ill-prepared. So hope that doesn't happen.
That's it from Quincy for now. Haven't seen any of my other relatives and I'm not sure I will. But am coming back next weekend for a big family reunion. My family gets together constantly, but this is my mom's side of the family and it's huge. We do this once a year--it's such fun. We do this with dad's side of the family every year too. Not as many people, but still fun. I didn't make it this year for that one.
Oh, I know I'll see Jan's husband Tim. She and Tim are going to crash my reunion. Tell you about that tonight or tomorrow. Gotta run.
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